Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tonight's Colbert Report was stunning
It was. Held in PA, it not only featured expected guest Hilary Clinton (slipped earlier in the week), but Obama and in a hilarious segment, John Edwards. Nice work. The perfect chaser for the stiff drink of ABC's stale debate.
Last nights debate answered vital questions about Obama's lapel jewlery.

"By so badly botching arguably the most critical debate of such an important election, in a time of both war and economic misery, you disgraced the American voters, and in fact even disgraced democracy itself."
- Will Bunch, Philadelphia Daily News
Yeah, it kinda sucked. I think the questions about why Obama doesn't wear a flag pin is best. Like he hasn't answered that a million times. After 45 minutes, they finally started talking about real issues. The two hosts, Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos (formerly in the Clinton Administration... can't we call foul on that?) seemed to take special glee in trying to trip up Obama and Clinton. They may chalk it up to good journalism, but it came off more like them grandstanding.
It's crap like this makes most sane people never think of running for public office.
That said, Clinton seemed more in control. Obama seemed tired. A
On the bright side, this was watched by an unprecedented 10.7 million people. Not too shabby.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Gross generalizations on the grossest generation.

Inspired by a 60-something guy in a beat up Mercedes who let his dog shit on someone's grass without cleaning it up, Glastonbury, CT...
The progeny of "The Greatest Generation" are remarkable for many reasons.
They started off being raised in a Leave It to Beaver inspired society which slowly drove their parents insane. Suburban perfection. Lobotomy via ranch house.
Then, realizing their parents were hopeless tools of the Establishment, they stopped shaving their armpits and faces, diving into as much counterculture as they dared, though most just sat it out and watched TV. Some decided to spend their time bitching about VietNam from cozy dorms in sunny California.
As time wore on they dropped the love beads, picked up a grey suit and loafers and grabbed for the golden ring, amassing an alarming amount of wealth that was then quickly spent on gas swilling cars and power sucking 5 bedroom homes. They began to breed like rabbits with little concern for the landfills filling up around them with the piles of shit they created.
Promptly ignoring those children, they delved into more self-absorbed behavior in the name of "mid-life crisis," oblivious to the fact that their own vapid lifestyle created their misery. The cushioned the blow of middle age with nicer cars (convertibles seemed to ease the pain), hair plugs, therapy, and massive amounts of alcohol.
Later in life they stared blankly into an absurd world filled with pollution, climate change, a bipolar economy and wars for natural resources. Where did all the idealism go? They were led for 16 years by two baby boomer presidents, one setting the bar so fucking low that it was easy for the second to slither under with his cold war cronies. The most clueless of the boomers seemed to like the second guy most of all, maybe cause he made them feel less stupid.

65 years young and still getting smoke blown up their wrinkled over-privilaged arses.
They are told how young they are, the best years are ahead, and hey, there are still a few drops of The Good Life left to pick up. A boat, an RV... maybe a nice condo in Florida. Sprinkle on top some Viagra and shake well.
Of course, I'm speaking in gross generalizations here. I know many "boomers" who are wonderful people and far from this norm. That said, you are for the most part, pretty gross. We'll see if my generation can do any better.
Related reading by a boomer.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
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