Could it be cause the energy companies pay him a lot of money?
The House is set to vote Tuesday on the $500 billion 2008 Omnibus Appropriations Bill. Hidden in the bill is a major energy package that would boost government financing for the nuclear industry. It would provide loan guarantees of up to $25 billion for new nuclear reactors.
Harvey Wasserman, a founder of the grassroots anti-nuke movement in the early 1970s, advises the Nuclear Information and Resource Service. He had this to say about nuclear power, Global Warming, Energy companies and politics:His environmental record as summarized by Wikipedia:
"...there’s absolutely no demand for new nuclear plants. There’s no reason to build them. They don’t work. Even with optimum conditions of licensing and so on, they couldn’t get a reactor online for another ten years. They’ve been saying the nuclear power plants are a solution to the global warming problem; we know they make global warming worse. You know, it’s a total scam. And they are continuing to take of taxpayer money, public money, to build reactors where we don’t need that kind of financing for wind, for solar, for tidal, geothermal, the other forms of green energy, which can be community-controlled. ."
Ironically, Domenici has recently sponsored a resolution "Honoring members of the radiation protection profession" by designating the week of November 6 through November 12, 2005, as "National Radiation Protection Professionals Week". What a guy!
Looks like he wants to further honor them with work well into the future.
His environmental record as summarized by Wikipedia:
The grassroots organization Republicans for Environmental Protection singled out Domenici as “Worst in the Senate in 2006” on environmental issues. In addition to assigning Domenici a score of zero for his environmental voting record, the group issued him “environmental harm demerits” for what they saw as two particularly irresponsible acts: first, for spearheading efforts to include in federal budget legislation provisions for “speculative revenues from oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; second, “for sponsoring and securing passage of S. 3711, the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act, which would perpetuate America’s dangerous oil dependence, set a precedent for drilling in sensitive marine waters, and direct a disproportionate share of federal royalty revenues from a public resource to four states." Domenici also received an exceptionally low environmental rating from the nonpartisan League of Conservation Voters, who claimed in 2003 that “[d]uring the last decade his voting record has become even more strikingly anti-environmental.” The LCV went on to criticize Domenici for voting in 1995 “to allow mining companies to ‘patent’ (purchase) public lands in order to extract minerals from them, without environmental standards, for the ridiculously low ‘price’ of $5 an acre or less."
- You can contact the Senator (we assume) through this online form.
- Learn more about those opposing Nuclear Power at nukefree.org
- Read an article concerning this and a full interview with Wasserman at Democracy Now
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