Our favorite fuckwad is busy ignoring the economy to do some more corporate giveaways.
Originally posted on the fantastic blog ecorazzi.com/:
George W. Bush is working hard, ya’ll! Bet you never heard that sentence uttered before! But it’s true! As he gets ready to leave office, Bush is actually finally working at record speed… to dismantle at least 10 major environmental safeguards protecting America’s wildlife, national parks and rivers. AWESOME!!!!!
“There are probably going to be scores of rules that are issued between now and January 20,” said John Walke, a senior attorney at the National Resources Defence Council. “And there are at least a dozen very controversial rules that will weaken public health and environment protection that have no business being adopted and would not be acceptable to the incoming Obama administration, based on stances he has taken as a senator and during the campaign.”
Now it’s common for a president to try and pass these “midnight regulations” before leaving office, but never before has a president fought so hard for deregulation - not regulation.
Included in some of the new rules are a provision that would free industrial-scale pig and cattle farms from complying with the Clean Water Act so long as they declare they are not dumping animal waste in lakes and rivers. Because corporations are ALWAYS honest! Mountain-top mining operations will also be exempt from the Clean Water Act, allowing them to dump debris in rivers and lakes. This rule is still under review. Coal-fired power plants will no longer be required to install pollution controls or clean up soot and smog pollution. Sexy!
To read more about how Bush is murdering the planet in his last five minutes, visit Guardian.Co.Uk!
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