What good is a blog without an end of the year recap? Here is my version.
Our friend Tina sure had a good year. Taking circumstance by the balls, she became a 5 foot 4 inch antidote against the weaponized cheesecake they called "Sarah from Wasilla."
It was the GOP's ruling class that first saw Sarah Palin – the rookie Governor from Alaska – and could calculate her vast potential; the folksy wit, the shapely legs, the effortless star power, and the unfettered ambition. McCain unleashed the pitbull with lipstick soon after, and Americans who valued the ability to relate to a candidate (or for the men, good old fashioned T&A) over intellectual acumen started piling in. It was starting to look rocky for Obama, whose own sensational newness had begun to fade by late August. I know that I for one was damn nervous.
Luckily, the fresh face of the GOP war machine had two fatal flaws; she wasn't well versed in affairs beyond Anchorage, and she looked A LOT like Tina Fey. So much so that Tina quickly was able to jump back into her former gig at Saturday Night Live, dress up in a suit and up-do, and start turning public perception of Palin from serious VP potential to parody that spread across YouTube like wildfire. Before long "I can see Russia from my house!" was a national joke.
Of course, Palin did as much damage to her own prospects as Fey, from horrific interviews to racially tinged hate mongering to alleged abuses of power. That aside, it was Tina Fey and the excellent writers at SNL that were able to expose what was behind the curtain. As a bonus, we were able to laugh our asses off in the process.
Thanks Tina, you helped us dodge a bullet.
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