Even though the concert organizers seemed to have tried in ernest to keep the Live Earth shows as environmentally respectful as possible, the critics were out in force. Preceding and during the shows, there were many folks complaining about the massive "carbon footprint" of such a global endeavor. Among them, The Who's Roger Daltrey was noted as saying:
"Bollocks to that! The last thing the planet needs is a rock concert. I can't believe it. Let's burn even more fuel. Everybody on this planet at the moment, unless they are living in the deepest rainforest in Brazil, knows about climate change. My answer is to burn all the fucking oil as quick as possible and then the politicians will have to find a solution.”
He continued about the other famous shows in recent history, Live Aid and it's successor, Live 8:
"What did we really achieve at Live 8? We got loads of platitudes and no action. Who were we kidding there? At least with Live Aid, Bob Geldof was willing to work the trenches and they did save a lot of lives. We could see what we achieved at the end of it."
Um.. yeah... burn it all. Good idea. Actually, those dudes in the rainforests are suing oil companies for enviromental damage, Roger. At least Bob Geldof is informed when he is being a wanker.
At the other end of the spectrum, John Mayer, who performed at Live Earth, was asked about his "eco-sins." Mayer responded with a great line:
“I don’t know … but tell the editors back at Glass Half Empty that I said hey.”
Mayer continued:
“The conversation about the validity of the subject is a nice way to buy some time before you buy some bulbs.” Told that some of the fans were there more for the music than the message, he said, “It’s a very young movement…I also think it’s difficult to gauge the success of awareness ...you hope that two percent of that message will make its way in. We’re getting together saying we want to be healthier…I don’t understand what the competing argument is to, 'let’s try to slow down…[our use of] resources.' ”
He finished with another good line:
When another reporter delved into his personal life, he quipped, “I’m going to practice some conversation conservation there, and minimize my bullshit footprint.”
Something tells me that the baby boomer/Woodstock generation Daltrey belongs to isn't quite as sharp as some of these new kids.
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