Call it the pendulum swinging the other way. Call it backlash. Over-exposure. But whatever it is, it's starting to hit Al Gore like a sledgehammer. It seems that critics everywhere are coming out slamming the Inconvenient Truth lecturer for his positions and recent actions, and the critics are not just the money grubbing oil barrens. Even writers like this guy seem in arms over Gore, in particular with his push for the recent Live Earth concert.
Some are even saying that he stole the whole idea of Live Earth. If so, at least he's recycling.
Folks, let's get a grip here. You may not like him because he's a democrat. Maybe you think he's somehow usurped the environmental movement from your drumming circle/off-the-grid cabal in Portland. Maybe you don't like him because he's rich. Too stiff... too white... don't like his wife (I'm no Tipper fan either... FUCK THE PMRC! We don't forget!!!!) Maybe it's because Al's fat. I dunno.

If you don't believe in Global Warming, then just enjoy watching Shakira juggle her bum in HD. If you think this is just another conspiracy of the left attacking wholesome republicans in the mid-west, don't fret, because the left just elected a Congressional majority who can even muster enough power to make Bush fart in their direction.
Let's keep in mind he's been working on this issue for close to 30 years. He even went and signed the Kyoto Protocol, even if Clinton did not try and get Congress to ratify it. At the VERY LEAST, maybe 22 hours of rock concerts will make people think twice before tossing a plastic bottle in the garbage. Is he so bad? Really?

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