From Erika Hayasaki, LA Times Staff Writer:
In a victory for supporters of gay marriage, Massachusetts lawmakers on Thursday blocked a measure to let voters decide whether a constitutional amendment should ban same-sex marriage in the only state that allows it.
State legislators killed the ballot proposal after a four-year attempt by conservative groups to override a historic 2003 court decision that legalized gay marriage in Massachusetts.
Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, which backed the measure, said opponents of same-sex marriage were "disappointed and shocked" by the defeat.
This is great news. I think people should do what they want, and any one who stays up at night worried about homosexuals really needs to start thinking about helping to solve more pressing matters. I'm sure you can find quotes in the Bible that have to do with things other than damning gays.
If only people would obsess over the enviroment or human rights as much as they worry about these two fine young Americans pictured above. Ladies, you are patriots in my book... keep up the good work.
Well put! That said I do think the Judge acted in line with the Constitution basic rights to all citizens, no? This is worthy of thought. Thanks Chris!
Maybe so but the ends NEVER justifies the mean Mr Nixon! :-) Remember it was the Judges that upheld that slavery and later dicrimination was CONSITUTIONAL!! When the judical branch starts doing the job of the legislative it is setting a precedent for Legal Fascism which of course leds to well you can imagine...let the people vote if they vote wrong challange it in the Surpreme court but the Judges MADE this law NOT their job ,theirs is to interpret law not make it. That is my issue not whether people whom love each ohter can marry. In fact I think the goverment should get out of the marrage biz anyway...
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