Dear Paris,
Welcome back! So, I hear you have decided to turn a new leaf. Cool! You said on Larry King tonight that jail "was a pretty traumatic experience, something that I really have grown from." Very mature outlook. You went on to say "I feel like God does make everything happen for a reason... And it gave me, you know, a time-out in life just to really find out what is important and what I want to do, figure out who I am." You seem ready to do some good in the world! You even are sporting new hair, wardrobe and makeup... no boobies at all. Wow, you really look all grown up. Good for you.
Okay, but here's a little tip: when Michael Moore - a filmmaker - spends years out of his life making a movie to help people get a basic service like health care and wants to get a few minutes to open up the debate on national television, TRY to let him do it before you allow him to get bumped so you can discuss your bullshit "traumatic experience." A real traumatic experience is losing your dad because a health care industry doesn't want to pay for his pancreas, or someone has to choose between what finger he can afford to re-attach.
You told King you were "a business person. I run several businesses." Great, then you must know about health care for your employees? Maybe this topic would have been of interest.
Part of growing up is learning what is really important. You moron.
Thanks for your time, Jay
Dear Larry,
You ratings grabbing DICK. Show some balls next time.
Thanks for your time, Jay
Dear Viewers of the Larry King show on 6/27,
Unless you think celebrities should be considered serious news, vote with your eyes and flip the channel next time.
Thanks for your time, Jay
I normally don't comment on things like this because they usually speak for themselves but I agree with your attitude about Paris Hilton, good for her but there are more important things to discuss. How ever calling Mr Moore a filmmaker is like calling a zebra a thoroughbred horse. Sure they have similar traits, a mane, a tail a long face but that's where it ends! Mr Moore is a propagandist of the highest order... and a very GOOD one , as an editor of film he truly is amazing...He makes Joseph Goebbels proud. The man intentionally deceives his audience in order to push a viewpoint ...remember a lot of German people thought Hitler was pretty great until they learnt the truth... before supporting a person or viewpoint I suggest you check it out... you know do some research, get some facts... don't believe what the first Snake oil salesmen tells you talk to other snake oil salesmen... better yet think for yourself ....
Given the choice between Paris and Moore...I'll take Paris...forget it I will take neither...thanks all the same I am looking for intelligent discussion not foolishness from either of them...
Oh I forgot something .. if you think Larry King is a news source .. buddy I am worried about you... Larry King is fun, entertaining but not a news source
Hey there Chris,
Here's my point I think you are missing... I am very much aware that Michael Moore is a trigger for many people. I haven't seen the film, but we don't need to in order to know our health care system is fucked. He isn't the point.
I would welcome anyone who is able to get it discussed for 1 hour in primetime - left, right, or center.
And I agree Larry King is as much a journalist as Barbara Walters, but let's face it, many people watch him, and they do consider him a primary news source (he's on CNN), and because of that he helps shape the national agenda.
My issue is that he allowed a critical matter to be sidelined for the summit of non-critical matters, Hilton allowed it to push her PR agenda, and the public voted by watching it. In that all three are making a choice on what the national agenda becomes.
I'm looking for some critical assessment and decision making here.
BTW: I have watched a lot of Moore's previous work, specifically pre-911, and I think his grasp on the issues are dead on. That said, I have no doubt that while his broad strokes are valid, he is spinning facts like anyone else. I do consider him a filmaker, though. And one of the more important ones, for better or worse.
I agree Mr Moore is a terrific editor of film and have said as much. He is from the NAZI school of Journalism as long as it moves "our Ideals" forward it's fair play. Stalin , Hitler PolPot were great world leaders too for better or worse..call me a fool but I thik I prefer Washington,Jefferson, Admas etc I guess I kind of prefer honest or as honest as possible film not one with adgenda
Many people watch Larry or BaBa Walters well and many people voted for G W Bush, believed in slavery and the internment of the Japanese and like rap musioc what does that tell us..
If you have talent and use it wrong ... it cheapens your talent.. and those who use that cheapened talent as a "trigger" cheapen their argument. That goes for King bringing either of those fools on and any fool that watched it.
I applaud your desire to move to a civil discord about health care and it is F%$#ed but Mr Moore's history of blatant lying and distorting facts in his films do not make him some one I wish to listen to on ANY serious subject. The ends NEVER justify the means
I get he is not the point and that his movie is not either so why bring him up ... is this a Davorjac moment an attempt to get hits..if so pretty cheap
Anyone who watches Larry King for any reason other than Celeb TV is a fool (CNN is a not news source)
So if you want to get folks engaged good luck remember that in the American Revolution, the one that gave you and I the right to voice our opinion, 1/3 of the people were patriots. 1/3 were Loyalists. 1/3 did even care either eway... do you think that has changed?
Most people don't care and those that do, have little power to stop the assault on our freedoms... Fascism is coming buddy be ready ... and it's being heralded in by Mr Moore and his ilk... so he is a "trigger" for me ... and I will defend to the death his right to create his "films" but he cannot be given a pass by the main stream media (Larry King, PBS et al) he need s to prove his indictments and he can't.. nor does he try. He makes his "film" and when confronted on the honesty he says oh it was not a factual film it was fiction.. but too late millions of fools go around spouting his tripe as if it were the word of god himself, blindly believing his implications and suggestions never fact checking for themselves ,.. that my friend is scary... I have lost all faith in traditional media they are the modern answer to Roman Bread and Circus...
And to quote my favorite person in history Thos Jefferson or as I call him Tommy... "the only thing you can believe in the newspaper is the advertisments" and even those are suspect imho
Remember more people vote and want to vot for American Idol than do for president...it's our culture for better or worse..
Hey one last point about the healthcare crisis…who’s to blame? The insurance industry , the medical industry , the government , the people , everyone ? So who do we hold accountable ( Oh I forgot we have become a nanny state no one is accountable, no one wins or loses it no one’s fault) But seriously . More important who is going to fix it..the government? Tell me honestly what in your life has our government , arguably the best in the history of mankind, EVER done well? .. -- insert chirping crickets--- What makes you think a government, that can’t even do the basics well like provide for the defense( the Towers, Iraq insert what you want) , regulate commerce ( Nafta, Enron etc) etc could in your wildest fantasies fix a issue like healthcare… keep the Government out of this it will only create a new and bigger mess of it..
I am just wondering… because I don’t have a solution but I know it is not more government inteference!
And certianly not government run or the politically correct 'Universal Healthcare"...that I know for damned sure...I have mn more faith that Charlie Manson is the new Messiah than to believe our goeverment can run healthcare...
Nice man! I think compairing Michael Moore's films to Leni Riefenstahl's is a bit of a stretch, but really, we do need to get health care out there as a topic, and I think the people are far more interested in progress that you think, especially in this matter. They are just tired and sick of bad news, and turn to junk food tv. I understand that.
People have been made to feel small and powerless. We need by hook or by crook to get control back. Moore or anyone else that puts a spotlight on it is great. To argue about Moore's film and why it's crap, you need to have some information about why it's crap. And that little bit of info is what will give people power,
Health care can be handled by the government for those who need it. I know you are a libertarian, but the government can handle social security, fire department, police... they can handle this. It's the health care industry that says they can't. Heath care and privitization do not mix.
Oh, and one more thought on health care. Government is running it now! If you know how much money is going into politicians pockets, you'd understand how our politicians are all ready on health care's payroll!
Ah!!! your last comments are the real important ones I think the pols are NOT my government they are the coruptors of it. It is funny I just finished writing the "blog entry" below and was going to send it along fro you to post on your blog if you liked when I read this entry on your blog likely why I reacted hot to it...
entry right after this message...all goevernments suck some just less than others
Fascism on the Rise in the US…
So you know where I come from politically I am a Jeffersonian Constitutionalist with Libertarian leanings…I believe we need government to “manage” certain things and agree with JFK at when he said at a dinner in the White house with some the smartest people in the world at the time and I paraphrase “ this is the most intellect to be assembled at the White House except of course when Jefferson dined alone.” I believe in that amazing document the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. That we need to really think hard before messing with it, that the smaller the government the better that what consenting adults do in privacy is there business as long as they do not infringe on someone else’s right to do the same. I do not want to tell you how to live or think but I don’t want you to tell me either. I had a philosophy professor sum it up well once.. ”your right to swing your fist in the air, end at my nose!”. Now onto the topic at hand…
Calling Sen Kennedy and most modern democrats, Liberal is like calling a zebra a thoroughbred horse . Sure the zebra and the horse kind of look the same and have similar traits, 4 legs, a tail a mane and a long face but that’s all, Same with Sen Ted and most modern Dems and the Liberal ideals they portend.
Thomas Jefferson was a republican ( in fact he was a founder of the party) not in the ways we think of today , he was a real Liberal in fact I think likely a person that personified Liberal. He believed in the wisdom of the people, that the rights of men ( all men , the smart ass that starts the “he owned slaves” argument needs to calm down that is another topic I am more than happy to address another time) that governments were given that right by those governed, that government that governed least governed best! He was by no means an anarchist he knew that some roles had to be controlled by the government the Army, interstate and international commerce including road, and highways and a few others. But he emphatically did NOT believe the government should control or legislate people’s behaviors (like our current government does ..both sides of the aisle), thoughts or action unless they infringed on another’s or were harmful to the public good. In fact he believed in term limits! Oh not the way we do he was far more serious…he said and I paraphrase ,that every 20 years or so there should be a full and bloody revolution to ensure that those in power are removed and replaced by newer thinkers . Because he knew that once someone attains that kind of power they do not want to let it go… I think we are over due?
Well if Sen Ted and his fellow modern dems are not a liberal what are they? Hmm good question lets’ examine…they believe BIG GOVERNEMENT, that the government knows what’s best for the people. That the government should take care of all the people all the people are equal not only in rights or access to things but that there is no person better or should allowed to be better at things than anyone else,. They believe in income re-distrbution, universal health care, gun control – meaning changing the 2ndamendment (never a good idea), equality in the workplace – means the government sets what you get paid,. And more,… what some term Socialist ideals, others Communist ideals. I frankly feel this gives a bad name to those utopian but completely unrealistic theories about government Karl Marx and friends are rolling over …what I think Sen Ted and his pals are …are Fascists or worse Stalinist! That’s right…they are the ruling class they want to live in splendor and luxury and dictate to you how YOU live your live…they folks in many ways are enemies of the constitution and the very people Thos Jefferson warned us about over 200 years ago.
Think I am being as bit bombastic? Don’t get fooled by the political rhetoric here is a definition
Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and other societal interests subordinate to the needs of the state,( BIG GOVERNMENT my comment) and seeks to forge a type of national unity, usually based on, but not limited to, ethnic, cultural, or racial attributes.( the key word here is ‘usually” because this is less important than the government knowing what’s better for the people than the people)
Remember Stalin held power for two major reasons, 1)a vicious secret police but mostly because2) he was a master of propaganda …making the masses believe they were working for the common good and the betterment of all men, as history has shown and we all know this was a lie to keep the people in line because the government KNOWS Better…right? Sound familiar? Hmm…ole Uncle Ted anyone oh and Aunt Hillary as well others, again from both political bents
Our freedom is under attack and it is coming from those who think they know better than the people….remember “the government that governs least governs best” not one that believe in modern feudalism like the most modern dems and many repubs!
Time for Bloody revolution as T Jefferson recommended….. let’s get rid of them all either recall them , vote them out or if need be bloody insurrection.
My solution? When you go to vote if they are an incumbent no matter how much you like them vote against them ( even put in a fool we can always recall him later) for the next several elections until our Representatives start listening to the people and they will again if they know they don’t have job security. And for the record Sen Ted has been a Senator since 1962 and others on both sides of the aisle have been there longer, it’s time for them to retire . And for you smart asses who are willing to give up your and MY Constitutional rights cause it’s for the common good.! Don’t be a fool. Remember the Supreme Court once said slavery was legal, as was segregation and the extermination of the Native peoples ( remember Manifest Destiny), as was the internment of Japanese_American US citizens, and of course federal income tax…our only defense is when our system works …and it is broken now but WE can fix it..
We the People...not the Pols' in the Pocket of special interests be they the Healthcare lobby the oil lobby or the abortion lobby....
you can see where I got some of my comments they were already written for another subject :-)
And one last point and I paraphase "more people are interested in progress than you think esp on this issue" Jay do you believe that ? Perhaps they think and I mean THINK, as in BELIEVE Imagine ...that if we get Universal Health care it will be good and FREE! Nothing is free! You and I will pay and out the wahzoo for it! Should I be responsilbe to pay for a person that spent thier life smoking , doing drugs and alcohol and now their body fails..it that MY fault should I pay for thier self destructive behaviour...and if Universal Healthcare is soooo GOOOD why are millions of Canadians ( and Swede and English and )each year coming accross the border to get treatment here on thier own dime not the Canandian Gov'ts. I agree the Pol's suck and the healthcare lobby blows but stealing food from my kids mouth is NOT going to make it better...IN fact I really do believe that Universal Healthcare will be 10 x worse than what we have now...
I make enough sacrices for my fellow Americans right now I do not need the governemtn stealing more money from me so people like that fool in Boston can bring children into the world allow them to obtain illegal guns and lie when their stupidity results in the death of an innocent child, she was been getting free heaalthcare, food , housing and daycare ... no I hae had enough time for people to be responsible for themselves and not depend on the gov't but remember the Pol's want you to depend on the goverenment
Hey Chris, you have made too many good observations for a blanket response, so I think we should open up your larger statement about liberal fascism on a formal blog entry. One point I'll make here is that I do not consider universal health care to be "free". Of course we'd get taxed. I don't mind paying taxes, mind you. It buys me civilization. What I do mind is unfair unequal taxation, but again another blog entry.
We pay a lot more for things than meets the eye. A gallon of gas is a lot more expensive when you have to factor in all the taxes we pay to subsidize it, including military and national policy (aka Iraq, Iran, South America, etc). The costs are hidden but will be paid by our children.
Health care is no different. I certainly do not want a welfare state, but we all ready pay for these people in different ways. And many of those on the dole are working poor (Wal Mart, etc). These people deserve to have food and medications. As a moderately well off person, I do not mind helping those with less. If corporations were not give multiple tax breaks and loop holes, they would easily pay much of the shortcomings.
Lastly, as we all buy things we don't need but are sometimes manipulated into thinking we need, I think the medical industry also sells us more medicine than we need because it has a high profit motive. Keeping someone on HIV drugs is more profitable than curing AIDS with a vaccine. A more regulated (there I said it) system may provide more oversight and transparency.
Jefferson's line about revolution is one of my favorites too.
Well I end my comments here I agree these are other blog topics..sorry..I am too aware of the "hidden" ( I don't think they are hidden too well) taxes my Dad paid are 1 /10th the tax liabilitity I have when he was my age..the miltiary was better, the schools were better ,the raods were better, healthcare was better the list goes on... all I ask is why?
I am not against helping those less fortunate in fact I am very much in favor of it but I want to help those that will help themselves but not those that want cradle to grave support. I also believe that charity should come from those that wish to give not forced from people at gun point.
I am all for flat tax they say 7% from every worker and tax enitiy will pay for all we have today and more money for education so the assholes can piss that away too and cry they need more but that is another blog ..one that really pisses me off ...last comment
Well I end my comments here I agree these are other blog topics..sorry..I am too aware of the "hidden" ( I don't think they are hidden too well) taxes my Dad paid are 1 /10th the tax liabilitity I have when he was my age..the miltiary was better, the schools were better ,the raods were better, healthcare was better the list goes on... all I ask is why?
I am not against helping those less fortunate in fact I am very much in favor of it but I want to help those that will help themselves but not those that want cradle to grave support. I also believe that charity should come from those that wish to give not forced from people at gun point.
I am all for flat tax they say 7% from every worker and tax enitiy will pay for all we have today and more money for education so the assholes can piss that away too and cry they need more but that is another blog ..one that really pisses me off ...last comment
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