NOTE, June 8: I decided not to edit my initial reaction, but after hearing the Sheriff's side of the story, I no longer think it is "an obvious case of money." Sheriff Baca, I think you probably made an ernest (though contemptuous?) call. Please don't make me retract this retraction!
In an obvious case of money making the courts go round, poor Paris Hilton was released from jail after less than five days. She was sentenced to 40 days, then reduced to 23, but she was suffering psycological distress. She was apparently released from jail due to medical reasons, although the LA County Sheriff's department has refused to release details about the "medical issue" due to confidentiality. Apparently she's been fitted with an ankle bracelet and put under house arrest for the next 40 days.
TMZ reports: "Psychiatrist Charles Sophy visited Hilton in jail yesterday and the day before. We're told after Sophy's visit yesterday, word was passed to the Sheriff that Hilton's mental state was fragile and she was at risk. The reason for releasing her had nothing to do with a rash or other physical issues. It was purely in her head."
Paris, I'm sure the blog and editorial world has just begun to get worked up over this, but all I can say is "Instant Karma is gonna git ya". Next time you tramp off to the club, barely noticing others less fortunate than you, remember there are people in that same jail with less money and darker skin for offenses like yours, and won't get out because they "couldn't take it." You disgust me, lady. And like any spoiled brat, you could care less.
From The Superficial: "Since when is being rich and famous considered a medical condition?"
Well put.
Image below of Paris' new and old bedrooms courtesy of Celebitchy

UPDATE FROM TMZ.com, June 7: The Los Angeles City Attorney has filed a motion asking the judge who sentenced Paris Hilton to have her returned to jail to serve out her full sentence.
In the documents obtained by TMZ, City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo is also asking Judge Michael Sauer to hold a hearing, demanding that the Sheriff's Department show why it should not be held in contempt of court for "violating Judge Sauer's May 4, 2007 order, which expressly stated "no electronic monitoring."
Late this afternoon, the judge granted the request for a hearing, which is now scheduled for 9:00 AM PDT tomorrow.
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